Showing 76 - 100 of 101 Results
The Invasion of Egypt in A.D. 1249 (A.H. 647) by Louis IX. of France (St. Louis), and a Hist... by Davis, Edwin John, Edwin Jo... ISBN: 9781375884419 List Price: $13.95
Life In Asiatic Turkey: A Journal Of Travel In Cilicia (pedias And Trachoea), Isauria, And P... by Davis, Edwin John, Edwin Jo... ISBN: 9781376309676 List Price: $19.52
Anatolica: Or, the Journal of a Visit to Some of the ... Cities of Caria, Phrygia [&C.] by Edwin John Davis ISBN: 9781298876713 List Price: $28.95
Anatolica: Or the Journal of a Visit to Some of the Ancient Ruined Cities, of Caria, Phrygia... by Davis, Edwin John, Edwin Jo... ISBN: 9781375641456 List Price: $16.52
Anatolica; or, The Journal of a Visit to Some of the Ancient Ruined Cities of Caria, Phrygia... by Davis, Edwin John 1826 or 27- ISBN: 9781340251871 List Price: $29.95
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